The stock market is full of so many ups and downs it can be intimidating to start. This week alone is covered in red. Everything is declining, dropping in price. It can be scary to see your stocks do so poorly, but if you’re like me, you’re investing for the long term. These dips shouldn’t concern you as much, if you still believe the stock will correct itself and push on further down the line. 

I like to find areas in the market that will outperform the rest in the long run. I try to find key areas of interest that we will eventually shift to. It can be hard at first, but after studying the market and looking at recent trends and where they are going it’s pretty simple to see. Our future lies in space exploration, biotechnology and 5G to name a few. 

We are constantly trying to improve, whether it’s new sources of exploration, curing all diseases or a more secure internet during disastrous times like the massive storm in Texas and the destruction that followed. There are plenty of companies that are working to give all of us a better future. I plan to invest in those very companies. 

That’s why I’ve created a secondary portfolio allocating about 10% of my funds to build this portfolio. It will be focused on investing in companies that be improving in day-to-day and provide us a better and more innovative future. 

Space Exploration

Space has always been a fascination of mine. From the stars to discovering new planets, it’s all so exciting and still new. We have barely touched the surface. Who knows what else is there for us to discover. But that’s not all the opportunity there is for us. We can utilize Space for improve our lives. 

From the Elon Musk’s new Starlink program, trying to give everyone a more reliable and secure wifi access. It’s still in the Beta stage, but that is definitely something I’m eager to learn more. There are even companies providing cheaper alternatives for rockets and even sending commercials satellites into space to improve their logistics and communications. There are plenty of opportunities up there for us to explore. We are just touching the surface. 

I am very excited about the upcoming Astra merger that will enable commercial companies to launch their own satellites in space, providing them with better tracking and create a more efficient operations. These launches are cheaper and more efficient so every company has a chance to have satellites in space. 


We all want the fast Internet, the best phone and crystal-clear phone service. Our phones went from 3G to 4G and now we are entering the 5G era. This is the future as cellular companies begin expanding their services to offer this new network for a better device. 

But I want to take this a step further. I want to invest in 5G companies, but also 6G and 7G, even 10G, or whatever they name it. Companies that are constantly improving and working on the next thing. That is my target and I am excited for the few companies I think will take us there. 


This is a big category and something that is vital for our growth as the human race. If COVID taught us anything, it was our very mortality. We lost many loved ones and those we cared about sick and struggling to get better. Our everyday lives are changed and mostly traumatized. That’s why I am investing in companies that can better our futures. 

Companies that can prevent cancer or any other disease, so we can live our lives without the concern for those illnesses and hopefully live a long and satisfying life. 

I’ve invested in companies like Crispr and Editas that will grant us these innovations. The ability to walk in to clinics and say “Get rid of any indicators my child will have cancer or other diseases.” That is our future and something I’m looking forward to.


This category is something not quite innovative but will enable us to go further with less worry. Our technology is expanding and getting more and more sophisticated. But with that growth, comes new challenges. Hacking and having data lost or stolen is a major concern for us. 

That is why it’s so vital we priority our safety and build a better defense against these issues. I’m investing in cybersecurity companies that will grant us that ability to protect ourselves and our data from theft. 

With a more secure base, we can extend further in our advancements. 

My Portfolio Breakdown 

I will continue to add to this portfolio with companies I am excited about and see future potential. The current breakdown will include a diverse array of categories.


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This will contain stocks I believe in and will propel us into the next age.

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